Saturday, December 4, 2010

Star Wars Game Will Not Be Release Before April 2011

Electronic Arts CFO, Eric Brown, confirmed that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be launched during the period of fiscal year 2012, which began in April 2011.

In the event the Credit Suisse 2010 Technology Conference, Eric Brown also said that this is the first time, Electronic Arts announced the scheduled launch plans for the eagerly awaited MMORPG to the public.

In addition, the release schedule of Star Wars: The Old Republic is also in accordance with a target release in the spring of 2011, which was announced by former Bioware Community Leader, Sean Dahlberg, in a post that was made on the official forum Star Wars: The Old Republic last January. Confirmed the release of new schedules also provide Electronic Arts and Bioware enough time to make final adjustments and improvements to Star Wars: The Old Republic.


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