Bethenny Frankel, Padma Lakshmi and Alison Sweeney are on REDBOOK’s January cover and these reality TV stars spill their secrets about motherhood, work and fitness. REDBOOK’s
January issue will have three different covers, all shot by fashion photographer Gilles Bensimon.
Bethenny Frankel talks about baby number two and her personal eating plan; Padma Lakshmi reveals that she gains 10 pounds each season of Top Chef and tells readers how she loses her Top Chef poundage; and Alison Sweeney gives us her best Biggest Loser tips for getting back in shape.
You’ll have to wait until the January REDBOOK is out to read all of the scoop on these reality star moms but here’s a sneak preview:
Bethenny Frankel
On leaving the Real Housewives of New York City: “I’m completely done with women being rewarded for bad behavior. I’m happy, and I love my life. . . It was fun the first season. Then it got not fun, and then it got scary and unhealthy and disgusting.”
On staying fit: “You shouldn’t dread working out. Exercise is like an old friend: You may not be able to see that friend all the time, but you’re not mad when you see them, you’re happy, and you get right back into it. I do yoga at night with my husband [after] we put the baby down. I say, a family that namastes together stays together.”
Padma Lakshmi
Her biggest surprise about her body post-baby: “That I liked myself at a bigger size. I wanted to lose the weight, but I thought I was doing something more important than tending to my vanity. You look at your body totally differently. It created this life and brought it into the world.”
Alison Sweeney
Her best Biggest Loser weight-loss tip: “I was a really conscientious eater during the day, but then at night I found myself snacking on the worst stuff. [Biggest Loser trainer] Jillian Michaels said I was just tired and craving energy; my body needed more fuel to stay awake. So now, when I crave sugar at night, I go to bed.”
Photo: Gilles Bensimon for REDBOOK
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